When you call this the player will fire a chair! function SWEP: ThrowChair( model_file ) Self: ThrowChair( "models/props_c17/FurnitureChair001a.mdl" )Įnd - A custom function we added. Though the secondary fire isn't automatic - players shouldn't be able to fire too fast self: SetNextSecondaryFire( CurTime() + 0.1 ) Call 'ThrowChair' on self with this model self: ThrowChair( "models/props/cs_office/Chair_office.mdl" )Įnd - Called when the rightmouse button is pressed function SWEP: SecondaryAttack() self: SetNextPrimaryFire( CurTime() + 0.5 )

Here we set it to shoot every 0.5 seconds. This function call below defines - the rate of fire. When players reset or rejoin, the loadout on that team will not change if they have saved their loadout.Īdditionally, there are 4 unique weapons available to Mobile Task Force subdivisions at the rank of "Elite Operative", being the XM250 LMG, the Hellion, the P90 and the AK-12, for Nu-7, Beta-7, Epsilon-11, and Alpha-1, respectively.- Called when the left mouse button is pressed function SWEP: PrimaryAttack() Players can save their weapon loadouts on a certain team by pressing the "+" button to the left of their hotbar and clicking "Save". Players can customize their weapons with weapon skins in the customization menu along with adding a suppressor and laser sight if the VIP gamepass is owned. There is a total of 19 different weapons in the game. The tilt may be changed while equipping a weapon and pressing "T". A player in 3rd person while aiming will tilt to the side, depending on how the player sets their tilt. When a player enters first person and aims a weapon, they will look down the iron sight of the gun. Upgraded Class-D can get a free UMP-45 from the NPC Shops. Alongside this, if a player has the Glock 17 Gamepass, any Team they're on will be equipped with it, regardless of if they're a combatant or not.Īdditionally, Upgraded variants of Teams sometimes get different guns, like the Internal Security Department, Rapid Response Team and the Administrative Department which get Spas-12's upon upgrading.

They are greatly required to defend against/kill hostiles, and to start a Riot. Weapons are given to Combatant Teams (as well as Administrative Department personnel), like the Chaos Insurgency and Rapid Response Team, but they also can be bought by others like Class-D, the Medical Department, or Scientific Department at NPC Shops for varying amounts of Credits.